Within the Frame: Continuum of the Still Image - Tom R. Chambers One of Eight Presenters (Analog, Appropriation, Digital - Repurposing of the Analog via the Pixel) - SPARKS/DAC/SIGGRAPH
Within the Frame: Continuum of the Still Image Moderated by Dena Eber and Sue Gollifer December 3 (Friday), 2021 at 4:00 pm EST Via ZOOM Description Humans have been making pictures since the earliest cave drawings dating to at least 45,000 years ago, and the content and methods of making them have progressed since. With each new technological advance (this includes analog), image makers add another tool to their kits that open up new ways to practice, to express ideas and to tell stories that range from literal to abstract. Digital technologies are the latest and perhaps one of the biggest additions to the workflow, and with it, we have expanded our continuum of image making possibilities. Indeed, digital methods have changed imagery more than any other tool in history. In 2003, Christiane Paul wrote that, “The use of digital technologies in almost every arena of daily life has vastly increased during the past decade, leading to speculations that all forms of artistic media wi...