Street Photography and Documentary Portraiture Workshop One (2021)

Tom R. Chambers taught an all-day street photography and documentary portraiture workshop at Precision Camera (Education Center) , Austin, Texas, June 5, 2021. He covered the history of street photography, discussed Masters' photographs and his photographs , and discussed the street environment and documentation concepts/strategies . The participants made photographs on the streets of Austin based on classroom discussion, and then returned to Precision Camera to critique and select their images for an exhibition titled, "On the Streets of Austin" held at Artworks Gallery in the city, July 3 - August 7, 2021. Chambers states, "For a first-time approach on the streets of Austin, the participants did very well. Street photography is not an easy genre, if you take into account that it requires the introduction of the human element as it relates to: environment, evaluation/assessment, activity (movement), timing (“decisive moment”), juxtapositions, foreground/backgrou...